大阪公立大学大学院医学研究科 脳神経外科学教室

(旧 大阪市立大学)

ホーム > 研究活動(業績) 論文2015年 英文


2015年 英文業績

  1. Petroclival meningiomas resected via a combined transpetrosal approsch:surgical outcomes in 60 cases and a new scoring system for clinical evaluation.
    Morisako H, Goto T, Ohata K.
    J Neurosurg,122,373-380
  2. Posterolateral approach for spinal intradural meningioma with ventral attachment.
    Posterolateral approach for spinal intradural meningioma with ventral attachment.
    Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine,6,173-178
  3. Prediction of the efficacy of surgical intervention in patients with cervical myelopathy by using diffusion tensor 3T-magnetic resonance imaging parameters
    Arima H, Sakamoto S, Naito K, Yamagata T, Uda T, Ohata K, Takami T
    Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine,6,120-124
  4. Ability of NT-pro-BNP to diagnose cardioembolic etiology in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
    Okada Y, Terakawa Y, Murata T, Nakamura K, Shimotake K, Murata H, Ohata K.
    Osaka City Medical Journal
  5. Glioblastoma in long-term survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia:a report of two cases.
    Wang Zi, Terakawa Y, Goto H, Tsuyuguchi N, Sato H, Abe J, Ohata K.
    Pediatrics International
  6. Awake craniotomy for cortical language mapping and resection of an arteriovenous malformation adjacent to eloquent areas under general anesthesia-a hybrid approach .
    Nimmannitya P, Terakawa Y, Kawakami T, Tsuyuguchi N, Sato H, Kawashima T,Ohata K.
    Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery,24,186-188
  7. Embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes in the brainstem:case report.
    Sato H, Terakawa Y, Tsuyuguchi N, Kuwae Y, Ohsawa M, Ohata K.
    J Neurosurg Pediatr,163,291-295
  8. An innovative technique for detecting the caudal end of occlided inferior petrosal sinus in cavernous arteriovenous fistula using intravascular ultrasonography--technical note.
    Yamauchi S, Nishio A, Takahashi Y, Kondo K, Kawakami T, Terakawa Y, Mitsuhashi Y, Ohata K.
  9. Efficacy of arachnoid plasty with collagen sheets and fibrin glue: An in vitro experiment and a case review.
    Abe J, Ichinose T, Terakawa Y, Tsuyuguchi N, Tsuruno T, Ohata K.
    Surg Neurol Int,286,90
  10. Surgical Management of Spinal Intramedullary Tumors:Radical and Safe Strategy for Benign Tumors.
    Takami T, Naito K, Yamagata T, Ohata K.
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica,554
  11. Qualitative analysis of spinal intramedullary lesions using PET/CT.
    Naito K, Yamagata T, Arima H, Abe J, Tsuyuguchi N, Ohata K, Takami T.
    Journal of Neurosurg Spine,23,613-619
  12. Spinal hamartoma in an elderly man.
    Shindo D, Shimono T, Takami T, Tanaka S, Tsukamoto T, Miki Y.
    Jpn J Radiol,28