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Infection Control Science


Name Infection Control Science
Chairman 顔写真

Hiroshi Kakeya
Contact Phone:+81-6-6645-3784
Website http://www.med.osaka-cu.ac.jp/infectioncontrol/ link

The Department of Infection Control Science, led by Hiroshi Kakeya, MD, PhD, was opened in April 2013. The department has since fostered an “infection control and safety culture” in our hospital. We actively support appropriate antimicrobial stewardship via consultations with infectious disease patients and via microbiological surveillance for pathogenic bacteria, especially drug-resistant strains. We have also aided in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with infectious diseases. Through our clinical activities, we have contributed to the training and education of the upcoming generation and to regional medical care.

In addition to clinical research into resistant strains and studies related to novel diagnostic and treatment methods for deep-seated mycoses, we conduct basic molecular biological research into bacteria and fungi in collaboration with the Department of Bacteriology. We are also jointly engaged in research related to the pharmacokinetics of antimicrobial and antifungal agents with the pharmaceutical department.

For many years, our efforts in systematic medical education and clinical research in the area of infectious diseases were insufficient because of a lack of specialists in infectious diseases in our facilities. We have thus established a training protocol for medical students and clinical researchers interested in becoming specialists in infectious diseases. We intend to continue to focus on education, research, and clinical activities aimed at the production of professionals ready to take a leading role in research and clinical practice in the field of infectious diseases.

Acdemic Departments

Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health
Under construction(都市環境医学)
Exercise environmental physiology
Toneyama Institute for Tuberculosis Research
Immunology and Genomics(ゲノム免疫学)
Under construction(生体機能解析学)
Under construction(遺伝子制御学)
Vascular Medicine
Molecular Oncology and Therapeutics
Under construction(分子制御学)
Radiation Oncology
Under construction(診断病理・病理病態学)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Women’s Life Care Medicine
Pathophysiology of Gynecologic Oncology
Department of Medical Genetics
Under construction(上気道機能病態学)
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Medical Quality and Safety Science
Medical Informatics