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Report:Airlangga University(アイルランガ大学)

Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University

Asma Subagio
Airlangga University
Elective period

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Hello, my name is Asma Subagio, a fourth-year medical student from Airlangga University in Surabaya, Indonesia. I'm currently on my seventh semester now. In this semester, there is one obligatory module in my curriculum called Elective module, which requires students to visit and observe a hospital/health care service outside of our university's hospital. As a part of an International Class, I was advised to apply to foreign countries for my Elective module, which then led me to choose Osaka City University (OCU) in Osaka, Japan. My study in OCU lasted a whole month, started in December 2nd until December 27th 2013.

Why I choose OCU? Because they let me join the obstetris and gynecology department, which I really interested in, lucky me! Beside I really like Japan it self, so it makes me more excited to go to OCU.

The first two weeks I entered gynecology department. Honestly speeking, the first day I join the lecture it is hard for me to understand the japanese-english, but day by day Im getting used to it so there is no problem for me, even I learned a little Japanese here. I join the operation as an observator, its been a good opportunity for me to look what will my future job does.

Every Friday we have Professor class, where the student both from obstetric and gynecology will met to attend it. The class is very cozy, because we get to drink a cup of coffee or tea in the class while we discuss the subject with the Professor, so it's the relax study time.

Me and Dwiki really have a lucky day in the gynecology, because we invited to the Teramae sensei's party. We get to chat a lot about many things and we are so happy.

At the last day of my study in gynecology, Fukuda sensei ask me and dwiki to join him in the Asean society and gynecology oncology conference (ASGO), it was really awesome. There I met my lecturer from my University, Airlangga University. Also I have the chance to go sightseeing in the Kyoto, the place where ASGO held.

The other two weeks I join the Obstetrics department. In this department I witnessed many delivery pervaginum or per-secarian section and also vaginal repair operation which I see very interesting. All the lecture is understandable, the one I like the most is the laparoscopy skill trial, I can try to do laparoscopy simulation, it is fun and challenging! And one more thing, I get the chance to join the microsurgery skill trial, there I actually do the microsurgery suturing. It is unforgetable! Because that was my first time to do it, and I can do it well, It makes me glad to have choosen OCU in the first place.

During my stayed in OCU I get to know many good doctor and many medical student from OCU. I will never forget the hospitality and the experience I get from them. I have learned a lot of new stuff, about medical and Japanese culture, I have become more and more determined to be an OBGYN.

Thank you so much to the all Professors who guide me during my stayed in OBGYN department, Profesor Sumi and Professor Koyama and all the doctors who always kind to me and always try hard to speak in english for my sake to understand. Thank you Professor Ishimura, Professor Ohata and all the OCU's staff for giving me all this wonderful study experience at Osaka City University and Hospital. Hope to meet again in the near future.