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Report:Thomas Jefferson University(トーマスジェファーソン大学)

Report: Practice in Thomas Jefferson University, 2014

Yuki Naka
Osaka City University
Elective period
The experience in Thomas Jefferson University (TJU) in this summer was the most exciting experience whole my life. It became my treasure. Although the practice in TJU was only five days, I got many things that I couldn't get in Japan.

The most impressive thing for me was mindset of medical student in the U.S. We observed Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Outpatient Family Medicine, Outpatient Pediatrics and JeffHOPE. I met many local students in these practice, and was very surprised. They participate in medical examination and treatment more actively than Japanese students. Furthermore, they have responsibilities for patients and mindsets as a 'doctor'. It may be natural for medical students to have these thinking, but I think many Japanese medical students including me don't have these. We may think we are 'guests'.

In JeffHOPE, that is free clinical system for those who can't pay enough money and live in the public shelter, only students treat patients and diagnose at first, and then doctors check these. So, medical knowledge and skills as same as doctors are demanded for. In there, I did some physical examination and thought problems with local medical students. I felt happy because I was a member of medical team in there and very fun.

I observed and learned many other things in TJU. Dr. Joseph F. Majdan taught us how to listen heart sound, and how to watch ECG. I learned these in Japan already, but I got new views and very fun. He also guided us to simulation center in TJU. Our school also has simulation center, but TJU's center was bigger than our school's so I was very surprised. We enjoyed practice with many simulators. I want to be a surgeon, so I did suture many times.

Through the program, I noticed that aggressiveness was very important! I didn't have it enough and took part in only as 'observer'. After this, I decided to be a more passionate and independent student, and have positive attitude in Japan. My practice in TJU was only five days, so it was very short for learning medical skills. However, I can change my mind and probably my future! This program is the best experience in my life for my evolution. I want to develop with more effort, and at the same time, I want to show such a wonderful experience to students in Japan.

I'm glad to meet many doctors and medical students of TJU and Chiba University. I'm very happy to get such a great experience. Thank you for a lot of supports and efforts of doctors and staffs of Osaka City University, Thomas Jefferson University and my family.