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Name Pharmacology
Chairman 顔写真

Shuhei Tomita
Contact TEL:+81-6-6645-3731
Website http://www.med.osaka-cu.ac.jp/dept-pharmacology/ link

The Department of Pharmacology aims to unveil molecular mechanisms that are essential for establishing the biological responses to the extracellular environment, and to translate its basic biological findings into experimental systems used for the development of drugs. We have distinct but overlapping research interests focusing on areas that include 1) pathophysiological responses to hypoxia, 2) mechanisms of tissue remodeling in cardiovascular diseases, 3) tumor immunity in the reconstructive cancer microenvironment, 4) cancer stem cells in the reconstructive cancer microenvironment, and 5) biological responses to Mycobacterium infection.

The Department of Pharmacology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine seeks applicants for graduate student positions and for the Monbukagakusho graduate school scholarship program. Information on scholarships in Japan can be found at the JASSO website. Information on the graduate school at Osaka City University is also available here. Those who are interested in joining our laboratory should send their application including a curriculum vitae with a list of publications and a brief statement explaining their eligibility and scientific interests to Shuhei Tomita (tomita.shuhei@med.osaka-cu.ac.jp).


Acdemic Departments

Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health
Under construction(都市環境医学)
Exercise environmental physiology
Toneyama Institute for Tuberculosis Research
Immunology and Genomics(ゲノム免疫学)
Under construction(生体機能解析学)
Under construction(遺伝子制御学)
Vascular Medicine
Molecular Oncology and Therapeutics
Under construction(分子制御学)
Radiation Oncology
Under construction(診断病理・病理病態学)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Women’s Life Care Medicine
Pathophysiology of Gynecologic Oncology
Department of Medical Genetics
Under construction(上気道機能病態学)
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Medical Quality and Safety Science
Medical Informatics