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Report:Thomas Jefferson(トーマスジェファーソン大学)

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Report 2013

Yuki Tsujita
Osaka City University
Elective period
Thanks to the great effort and support of doctors and staffs of Osaka City University and Thomas Jefferson University, I studied in Philadelphia for 5 days at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Everyday was very fulfilling for me though 5 days sound short.

We observed Internal Medicine Inpatient Rounds, Emergency Medicine, Outpatient Family Medicine and Outpatient Pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. What was the most impressive for me was medical education system, and this is quite different from that of Japan. At Internal Medicine Department, for example, the rounds are so instructive. Each team consists of a medical instructor, attending physicians, fellows, residents, medical students and comedical staffs and goes the rounds of their patients. In a patient’s room, the medical instructor takes his/her time in asking the patient about his/her condition and leading other physicians and medical students and examines the patient very carefully. I was surprised that medical students in the United States formed a treatment plan by themselves under the guidance of physicians, and they asked the physicians various questions and deepen their understanding. I want to learn from their way of studying.

The class and practice we attended at Clinical Skills and Simulation Center had a rich content. Dr. Joseph F. Majdan gave us very interesting lessons in heart sound and ECG in simple English, and we enjoyed practice with many simulators. Fortunately, we have wonderful simulators like those in our university and are able to practice with them when we want to, so I am proud and grateful of this environment of Osaka City University.

I took part in JeffHOPE, Student-Run Clinics. Students give outpatient care, follow up the patients who cannot pay money to receive medical treatment and give them medication for free. This system was very surprising for me. This clerkship offered me opportunities for various discovery and self-reflection and brought some new ideas to the way that I will be a physician in the future. I am confident that these unforgettable days will lead to broaden my horizons and grow as a physician and person. I really appreciate all the people concerned.