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Report:Universitas Gadjah Mada(ガジャマダ大学)


Isanawidya HikmahParamita
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Elective period

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It was a great experience to have clerkship at Osaka City University. I chose Obstetric and Gynecologic Department in this elective program for two weeks. I enrolled the department because I concerned about the prevention of maternal death in my country. Japan has a very low maternal mortality rate, approximately only 5 deaths/100.000 live births. Then, I know that the good antenatal care, hospital distribution, and good health referral system in obstetrics emergency are the keys to decrease maternal death.

My first week was spent at Obstetric Department. The session was filled by patient case discussion, professor's lecture, conference, professor patient visit, skills training, laboratory observation, and surgery session. It was my first time involving in operation and do aseptic procedure in real setting. I assisted section caesarean delivery, observed multiple organ prolepses surgery with Artificial Trans Vaginal Mesh, Vaginal Prolepses Hysterectomy, Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy Removal Surgery, and observed normal delivery. By observing several surgeries, I could understand the anatomy of pelvic, female reproduction organ, suturing procedure, bimanual examination, aseptic procedure, and the other medical interventions. I also had discussion about PROM (Premature Rupture of Membrane), hyperemesis gravidarum, pre-eclampsia, and got lecture about urine incontinence. In skills training session, the doctor taught us how to deliver baby normally, use vacuum extractor, and deliver baby with Shoulder Dystocia case. After holding ectopic pregnancy surgery, I joined the doctor to observe the macroscopic of ectopic pregnancy in the laboratory.

In the second week, I studied in Gynecological Department. I followed the Professor in visiting patient and I also discussed about post-surgery patient management. I attended Female Pelvic Anatomy lecture, assisted hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy operation, observed ovary cystectomy-frozen, and multiple myoma surgery. In skills training session, I got suturing, bimanual examination, and endoscopy surgery training. It was so enjoyable! I had learned how to manage post surgical patient, know the macroscopic feature of uterine myoma and ovarian cyst,and learn the procedure of hysterectomy, cystectomy, and ovarectomy.
I also participated in patient case discussion, the doctor explained about patient clinical finding (physical examination, MRI, CT scan, Doppler USG, laboratory examination), diagnose, and management of patient. The doctor taught us the case and procedure in English patiently, because I could not read Kanji at all and some of them have difficulty to speak English well. However, it was my valuable experience used as prior knowledge before entering clinical rotation in my university.
The hospital had complete and modern facilities to cure the patient. Besides learning about patient management, I also learned about Japan's health coverage, doctor-patient interaction, inter-professional teamwork, and Japan culture. Japanese people are very kind, friendly, hard worker. They always obey the rule, are polite and punctual. I always asked them if I was curious about something, then they always tried to explain me well. They also appreciated our religion. My friends always teach us as moslem how to eat halal food. It is the best place to learn not only about medical, but also attitude and good culture.
Osaka is also the right place to be visited because it is nearby Kobe, Nara, and Kyoto. I really enjoyed travelling in Japan. I am feeling so grateful to have this opportunity. Hope I can have this quality time with them again in the future.
Best regards,