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Yasuhiko Deguchi, Shinichi Iwasaki, Akihiro Niki, Aya Kadowaki, Tomoyuki Hirota, Yoshiki Shirahama, Yoko Nakamichi, Yutaro Okawa, Yuki Uesaka and Koki Inoue. Relationships between Occupational Stress, Change in Work Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms among Non-Healthcare Workers in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 983.


出口裕彦、岩﨑進一. 就労者の精神疾患に神経発達症が及ぼすインパクト─主治医および精神科を専門とする産業医の立場から─. 精神科治療学, 37(1). 29-34, 2022 



編著者:森 晃爾, 井上 幸紀. おとなの発達障がいマネジメントハンドブック, 労働調査会, 2021


Kazuya Nishimoto, Tsuneo Yamauchi, Tomoko Harada, Saori Miyamoto, Mihoko Honda, Takumi Matsuzuka, Koki Inoue. High Calorie Diet, Low Body Weight and Hypothermia Limit Body Weight Gain in Hospital Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa-restricting Type. Osaka City Med. J. Vol. 67, 57-68, 2021


Hirota T, Deguchi Y, Iwasaki S, et al. Relationship between initial self-perceived depressive symptoms and disease severity in working patients with first-onset major depressive disorder. PLoS One. 2021;16:1–8. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255084


Harada, T, Yamauchi, T, Miyawaki, D, et al. Anorexia nervosa restricting type has increased in severity over three decades: Japanese clinical samples from 1988 to 2018. Int J Eat Disord. 2021; 54: 54– 58. https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.23418


Yuki Kageyama, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Kotaro Hattori, Sumiko Yoshida, Yu-ichi Goto, Koki Inoue, and Tadafumi Kato. Nervonic acid level in the cerebrospinal fluid is a candidate biomarker for depressive and manic symptoms: a pilot study. Brain and Behavior, 2021;00:e02075. https://doi.org/10.1002/ brb3.2075


Iguchi, T., Miyawaki, D., Harada, T. and Ogiwara, K. (2021), Introduction of family‐based treatment to Japan with adaptations to optimize the cultural acceptability and advance current traditional treatments of adolescent anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord, 54: 117-119. https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.23405


Nakajima, Y., Harada, T., Nogi, S. and Inoue, K. (2021), Is this hypophosphatemia refeeding syndrome or not?. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci., 75: 109-110. https://doi.org/10.1111/pcn.13182


播摩祐治、宮脇大、後藤彩子、平井香、三木祐介、坂本祥子、角野信、濵宏樹、井上幸紀、長期寛解後に再発した回避・制限性食物摂取症の1例, 精神医学, 63(2), 269-273, 2021




Deguchi Y, Iwasaki S, Inoue K. Major depressive disorder due to social isolation during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: an elderly woman’s first episode of major depressive disorder. Psychogeriatrics 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/psyg.12607.


Miki Y, Miyawaki D, Goto A, Hirai K, Harima H, Sakamoto S, Inoue KDisruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Osaka City Medical Journal, 66(1), 2020


Jumpei Maruta, Yasunori Matsuda, Kentaro Uchida, Tadashi Ohtomo, Hideo Kurozumi, Satoshi Nogi, Satoshi Akada, Aki Nakanishi, Miki Shinoda, Masatsugu Shiba, Koki InoueCan a General-Purpose Interactive Robot Detect Poor Cognitive Function? A Pilot Study, Osaka City Medical Journal, 66(1), 2020


Niki A, Deguchi Y, Iwasaki S, Mitake T, Okuda Y, Sakaguchi A, et al. Gender differences in self-perceived changes among Japanese workers with depression. Occup Med (Chic Ill). 2020. doi:10.1093/occmed/kqaa202


井上幸紀、ペース・チェンジ(21-44)、怖い声が聞こえる(153-176)、<否認>の病に溺れて(239-262)、名士の夫婦(283-304)、精神科とは無縁と思っているあなたが困ったときに精神科を味方につけるための本〜こころの病への適切な対応がわかる14の短編小説集〜 編:寺尾岳 著:井上幸紀、寺尾岳、松永寿人、吉村玲児、2020、星和書店


井上幸紀、第1章 抗不安薬(編集)精神科のくすりハンドブック 第3版、1-35、2020、総合医学社




宮脇大、ゲーム症 -gaming disorder-児童青年精神医学とその近接領域、61(1)、 41-54、2020


宮脇大、原田朋子、摂食障害 Eating disorders: recognition and treatment (NICE guideline, NG69)、精神医学、62(5)、656-662、2020

出口裕彦、withコロナ時代の就労者を取り巻く環境と、就労者の今日的不安、精神科治療学 35(12) 、1305-1310、2020




仁木 晃大、出口 裕彦、岩﨑 進一、井上 幸紀、大うつ病性障害における社会的損失と職場における早期発見の重要性、産業精神保健、28(4)、368-371、2020


宮脇大, 自閉スペクトラム症の理解と対応. 兵庫県医師会医学雑誌, 63(1), 37 - 40, 2020 



Yukako Okuda,  Shinichi Iwasaki,  Yasuhiko Deguchi,  Tomoko Nitta,  Tomoe Mitake, Aya Sakaguchi,  Akihiro Niki,  Koki Inoue, Burnout and occupational stressors among non-medical occupational health staff. Occupational Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqz1602019


岩﨑進一, 出口裕彦, 成人における森田神経質傾向とASD傾向との関連について. 日本森田療法学会雑誌, 30(2), 121-127, 2019


Tomoe Mitake, Shinichi Iwasaki, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Tomoko Nitta, Yukako Nogi, Aya Kadowaki, Akihiro Niki, Koki Inoue, Relationship between Burnout and Mental-Illness-Related Stigma among Nonprofessional Occupational Mental Health Staff. BioMed Research International, 2019, 1-6, 2019


Tomoko Nitta, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Shinichi Iwasaki, Masaru Kanchika, Koki Inoue, Depression and occupational stress in Japanese school principals and vice-principals. Occupational Medicine, 69; 1, 39-46, 2019


井上幸紀, 職場不適応, 今日の治療指針2019, 医学書院, 1077-1078, 2019



Yasuhiko Deguchi, Shinichi Iwasaki, Masaru Kanchika, Tomoko Nitta, Tomoe Mitake, Yukako Nogi, Aya Kadowaki, Akihiro Niki, Koki Inoue, Gender Differences in the Relationships between Perceived Individual-Level Occupational Stress and Hazardous Alcohol Consumption among Japanese Teachers: A Cross-Sectional Study, PLoS ONE 13(9): e0204248.


Yuki Kageyama, Takaoki Kasahara, Takemichi Nakamura, Kotaro Hattori, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Munehide Tani, Kenji Kuroda, Sumiko Yoshida, Yu-ichi Goto, Koki Inoue, Tadafumi Kato, Plasma Nervonic Acid Is a Potential Biomarker for Major Depressive Disorder: A Pilot Study., International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21, 207-215, 2018


Shinichi Iwasaki, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Koki Inoue, Association between work role stressors and sleep quality, Occupational Medicine, 68(3), 171-176, 2018


Miyawaki D, Goto A, Iwakura Y, Hirai K, Miki Y, Asada N, Terakawa H, Inoue K., Preschool-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder with complete remission., Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat, 3;14, 1747-1753, 2018


Yuichi Fukuda, Shinichi Iwasaki, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Koichiro Ogawa, Tomoko Nitta, Koki Inoue, The effect of long-term sickness absence on coworkers in the same work unit, Industrial Health, 56, 1-8, 2018


Koichiro Ogawa, Shinichi Iwasaki, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Yuichi Fukuda, Tomoko Nitta, Yukako Nogi, Tomoe Mitake, Koki Inoue, Higher Occupational Stress and Stress Responses in Public Servants Requiring Long-term Sickness Absence due to Mental Disorders, Osaka City Med J. 2018


Iwakura Y, Miyawaki D, Kusaka H, Goto A, Asada N,  Yanagawa E, Asada N, Terakawa H, Hirai K, Miki Y, Inoue K, Obsessions and Compulsions are Strongly Associated with Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Childhood and Adolescent Autism Spectrum Disorder, Osaka City Med. J., (in press), 2018


Yanagawa E, Miyawaki D, Kusaka H, Goto A, Asada N, Iwakura Y, Asada N, Terakawa H, Hirai K, Inoue K, Correlating Child and Parent Anxiety Ratings: A Cross-sectional Study of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Osaka City Med J, 64, 63-74, 2018


Miyamoto S. Yamauchi T. Harada T, Kodama Y, Kitada Y, Nishimoto K, Inoue K.How Low BMI and Obsession with Obesity Decrease Quality of Life in Bulimia Nervosa Women with Normal Weight, Osaka City Medical Journal, 64(1), 31-41, 2018


 Miyawaki D, Goto A, Harada T, Yamauchi T, Iwakura Y, Terakawa H, Khirai K, Miki Y, Harima Y, Inoue K.High prevalence of shoplifting in patients with eating disorders, Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-018-0575-1, 2018


浅田延佳, 自閉スペクトラム症児の身体症状, 大阪市医学会誌, (in press), 2018


井上幸紀, 新しい働き方改革への期待と懸念, 精神科, 32(1), 96-100, 2018


片上素久, インターネットゲーム障害 現状とその対応, 精神医学, 60, 173-179, 2018


井上幸紀, 解離性[転換性]障害(ヒステリー)、解離症, 今日の治療指針 2018(医学書院), 1026-1027, 2018


岩﨑進一、出口裕彦、井上幸紀, 職域のメンタルヘルス不調における最近の知見, 産業医学レビュー, 31(2), 129-151, 2018


宮脇 大, 第67章 パーソナリティ障害 (翻訳),  ラター児童青年精神医学 (原書第6版), 長尾圭造ら監訳, 1205-1224, 2018


平井 香, 第19章 精神保健問題を持つ子どもの保護と治療における法律問題 (翻訳),  ラター児童青年精神医学 (原書第6版), 長尾圭造ら監訳, 2018


宮脇 大, 後藤彩子こころの発達の問題に関する"古典"をふりかえる 摂食障害, 精神医学, 60(10), 1135-1143, 2018


三木祐介、宮脇大、浅田奈緒美、寺川裕基、平井香、小山真輝、後藤彩子、井上幸紀, 低活動型せん妄との鑑別を要したカタトニアに高用量lorazepamが奏功した一例, 精神科治療学, 33(11), 1359-1364, 2018


井上幸紀, うつ病の労働者への対応, 臨床精神薬理, 21(10), 1307-1315, 2018


井上幸紀, 大阪になぜIRを誘致しているのか, 精神科, 33(6), 521-524, 2018


岩崎進一、出口裕彦、井上幸紀, 職域のメンタルヘルス不調における最新の知見, 産業医学レビュー, 31(2), 129-151, 2018


宮脇 大, 後藤彩子, 注意欠如・多動症(ADHD)の概念と定義, 最新医学, 73(10), 1346-1351, 2018


山内常生, 摂食障害患者の長期経過ー寛解と再発−, 精神科治療学, 33(9), 1101-1106, 2018


山内常生, 精神科臨床144のQ&A, 精神科治療学, 33巻増刊号, 124-125, 2018


井上幸紀, 職域の気分障害, 診断と治療のABC141 うつ病と双極性障害, 最新医学社, 企画 井上猛(最新醫學別冊), 223-229, 2018 



Yuki Kageyama, Takaoki Kasahara, Masaki Kato, Shiho Sakai, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Munehide Tani, Kenji Kuroda, Kotaro Hattori, Sumiko Yoshida, Yuichi Goto, Toshihiko Kinoshita, Koki Inoue, Tadafumi Kato, The relationship between circulating mitochondrial DNA and inflammatory cytokines in patients with major depression. Journal of Affectie Disorder, 233,15-20, 2017


Yasuhiko Deguchi, Shinichi Iwasaki, Hideyuki Ishimoto, Koichiro Ogawa, Yuichi Fukuda, Tomoko Nitta, Tomoe Mitake, Yukako Nogi, Koki Inoue, Relationships between Temperaments, Occupational Stress, and Insomnia among Japanese Workers. PLoS ONE, 12(4), 2017


Yuki Kageyama, Takaoki Kasahara, Hiromasa Morishita, Nobuko Mataga, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Munehide Tani, Kenji Kuroda, Kotaro Hattori, Sumiko Yoshida, Koki Inoue, Tadafumi Kato, Search for plasma biomarkers in drug-free patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia using metabolome analysis. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 71:2 115-123, 2017


Yuki Kageyama, Takaoki Kasahara, Masaki Kato, Shiho Sakai, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Munehide Tani, Kenji Kuroda, Kotaro Hattori, Sumiko Yoshida, Yuichi Goto, Toshihiko Kinoshita, Koki Inoue, Tadafumi Kato, The relationship between circulating mitochondrial DNA and inflammatory cytokines in patients with major depression., Journal of Affective Disorders, (in press), 2017 


Yuya Kodama, Tsuneo Yamauchi, Tomoko Harada, Saori Miyamoto, Koki Inoue, Some Milder Psychopathological Manifestations of Late-onset Anorexia Nervosa with Short Illness Duration in Japanese Population, Osaka City Medical Journal,  63, 67-76, 2017


Akihito Konishi, Shinichi Iwasaki, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Hideyuki Ishimoto, Koki Inoue Workers’Job Stress is Associated with Departmental Incidence of Associates Long-term Sickness Absence Caused by Mental Disorders. Osaka City Med J., 63, 25-35, 2017


寺川裕基、岩﨑進一、井上幸紀 短報:再生不良性貧血の経過中に幻覚妄想状態を呈した一例、精神医学、59(5)、491-495、2017


井上幸紀, 精神科医療と職域の連携はなぜ必要か, 産業精神保健, 25(4), 322-324, 2017


井上幸紀, 実施者として見えてきたこと, 産業精神保健, 25(特別号), 121-125, 2017


山内常生、井上幸紀, 摂食障害の経過と予後, 日本医師会雑誌, 146(8), 1573-1576, 2017


井上幸紀, 適応障害女性のメンタルヘルス(丸山総一郎編著), 225-229, 2017


島﨑真央, 徳原大介, 相本理恵, 藤本浩毅, 趙有季, 宮脇大, 新宅治夫, 栄養サポートチームと箱庭療法が有用であった回避・制限性食物摂取症, 日本小児科学会雑誌, 121(10), 1731-1737, 2017




Hideyuki Ishimoto, Shinichi Iwasaki, Koki Inoue Brief Screening Tools for Long-Term Sickness Absence Due to Mental Disorders in Public Servants, Health, 8, 1453-1464, 2016


YU OKADA, DAI MIYAWAKI, HIROTO KUSAKA, NOBUYOSHI ASADA, YOSHIHIRO IWAKURA, ERIKA YANAGIHARA, NAOMI ASADA, ERI KANEMOTO, HIROKI TERAKAWA and KOKI INOUE, Subclinical Manic Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Osaka City Medical Journal, 62(2), 103-110, 2016


吉田敦史、河辺譲治、東山滋明、小谷亮平、内田健太郎、田川亮、松田泰範、井上幸紀、塩見進 レビー小体型認知症の診断に苦慮した認知症の3例ー各種検査の比較ー 臨床放射線, 61(12), 1651-1659, 2016


Tomoko Harada, Tsuneo Yamauchi, Yuya Kodama, Saori Miyamoto, Nobuo Kiriike, Koki Inoue, Clinical Features of Japanese Males with Anorexia Nervosa, Osaka City Medical Journal, 62, 85-93, 2016


Yasuhiko Deguchi, Shinichi Iwasaki, Akihito Konishi, Hideyuki Ishimoto, Koichiro Ogawa, Yuichi Fukuda, Tomoko Nitta, Koki Inoue, The Usefulness of Assessing and Identifying Workers’Temperaments and Their Effects on Occupational Stress in the Workplace., PLoS ONE, 11(5), e0156339, 2016


Akihiro Nakada, Shinichi Iwasaki, Masaru Kanchika, Takehisa Nakao, Yasuhiko Deguchi, Akihito Konishi, Hideyuki Ishimoto and Koki Inoue, Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Individual Level Occupational Stress among Japanese Schoolteachers, Industrial Health, 54(5), 396-402, 2016


Yasunori Matsuda, Yoshitaka Nakao, Mitsuhide Yabe, et al., Association of the Clinical Subtype and Etiology for Delirium with the Outcome after Risperidone Monotherapy in Patients Having Cancer, Osaka City Medical Journal, In press


宮脇大, 原田朋子, 山内常生, 児童思春期の摂食障害, 精神科, 28(4), 296-303, 2016


Miyawaki D, Iwakura Y, Seto T, Kusaka H, Goto A, Okada Y, Asada N, Yanagihara E, Inoue K , Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures as a manifestation of psychological distress associated with undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12, 185-189, 2016


出口裕彦、岩﨑進一、井上幸紀, 職場における妄想性障害の早期発見、早期対応について, モダンフィジシャン, 36(1), 48-51, 2016


井上幸紀, 高ストレス者へどう対応するかー嘱託産業医あるいは健診機関医の立場からー, モダンフィジシャン, 36(1), 21-25, 2016


井上幸紀, 医療現場のメンタルヘルスの課題と取り組み, 精神科治療学, 31(1), 95-100, 2016


Ayako Goto, Dai Miyawaki, Hiroto Kusaka, Yu Okada, Nobuyoshi Asada, Yoshihiro Iwakura, Erika Yanagihara, Koki Inoue, High Prevalence of Non-psychotic Delusions in Children with High-functioning Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Osaka City Med J, (in press), 2015


Kanchika M, Iwasaki S, Konish A, Deguchi Y, Kobayashi Y, Nakada A, Inoue K, Aggression in Teachers is Related to Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity as Occupational Stress., Osaka City Med J., 61(2), 93-104, 2015


西川 匡代, 摂食障害患者の心理的特徴と養育環境の関連, 大阪市市学会雑誌, 2015


Ryo Tagawa, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Aki Nakanishi, Youjirou Kawarada, Tomohiro Muramatsu, Yasunori Matsuda, Kouhei Kataoka, Aiko Shimada, Kentaro Uchida, Atsushi Yoshida, Shigeaki Higashiyama, Joji Kawabe, Toshihiro Kai, Susumu Shiomi, Hiroshi Mori, and Koki Inoue., The relationship between medial temporal lobe atrophy and cognitive impairment in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies., Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, in press, 2015


Shinichi Iwasaki, Koki Inoue, Maternal separation impedes the estrous cyclic changes of feeding behavior in female rats., Experimental Animals, 64(4), 383-390, 2015


宮脇大, 定型発達の子どもにみられる一時的で予後良好な問題行動, 乳幼児医学・心理学研究所, 24(2), 95-100, 2015


山内常生, 摂食障害女性労働者の現状と課題, 産業精神保健, 23, 61-66, 2015


日高秀樹、山内常生, ストレスチェック-その目指すものと実際・問題点-, 内分泌・糖尿病代謝内科, 41(6), 440-446, 2015


井上幸紀、岩﨑進一、山内常生、出口裕彦, 産業精神医学 (特集:一般内科診療で役立つうつ病の知識—こころの問題にどう対応するか), 内科, 115(2), 245-248, 2015


山内常生、井上幸紀, 摂食障害と骨(特集:骨粗鬆症のための栄養指導), 骨粗鬆症治療 , 114, 22-28, 2015


山内常生、井上幸紀, 骨粗鬆症のための栄養処方「摂食障害と骨」, 骨粗鬆症治療, 14(1) , 22-28, 2015


出口裕彦、井上幸紀, うつ病に対する早期の気づき、早期対応、早期診断について, Depression Frontier, 13 (1), 34-39, 2015


井上幸紀, 職域における若者のメンタルヘルス, 心身医学, 55, 1367-1372, 2015


原田朋子、井上幸紀, 過食性障害(診断基準、疫学、病態), 臨床栄養, 127(7), 886-890, 2015


宮脇 大, 第13章 発達と精神病理(翻訳担当), 新版児童青年精神医学 長尾圭造ら監訳, 207-234, 2015


山内常生・井上幸紀, 摂食障害とストレス, ストレス学ハンドブック, 221-231, 2015


山内常生・井上幸紀, 摂食障害, 精神科臨床エキスパート:他科からの依頼患者の診方と対応, 147-154, 2015



Shinichi Iwasaki, Yasuhiko Deguchi and Koki Inoue, Effects of “Shinkeishitsu” on Occupational Stress in Japanese Workers, SOJ Psychol , 1(3), 1-7, 2014


Futoo E, Miyawaki D, Goto A, Okada Y, Asada N, Iwakura Y, Yanagihara E, Inoue K, Sensory hypersensitivity in children with high-functioning pervasive developmental disorder, Osaka City Med J, Dec;60(2), 63-71, 2014


井上幸紀, アルコール依存症と精神疾患—職場で留意すべき点, 産業医学ジャーナル, 37, 10-14, 2014


山内常生, 摂食障害と就労ストレス, 心身医学, 54(10), 928-934, 2014


原田朋子 山内常生 井上幸紀, 心身症関連疾患に対する心理的アプローチと薬物療法 摂食障害, 医学と薬学, 71(9), 1482-1487, 2014


松田泰範, 抗不安薬, 精神・神経の治療薬事典 専門医からのアドバイス 2014-’15 ポケット版, 20-29, 2014