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@ @
@ ‚PDPathophysiology of chronic fatigue and chronic jetigue syndrone(CFS)
@ 1.1.1. Microbial infection and chronic fatigue syndrome
@ @Koichi Yamanishi (Department of Microbiology, Osaka University Medical School)
1.1.1. The Study for the pathophysiology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
@ FigureEEE118KB
@ @Hirohiko Kuratsune
@ @@(Department of Health Science, Faculty of Health Science for Welfare, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences)

@ 1.1.2. Borna Disease Virus Infection and Its Role in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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@ 1.1.3. The study on the viral infections and immunological disorders for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
@ FigureEEE65.5KB
@ @Takeshi Sairenji (Division of Biosignaling, Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Life Science)
@ 1.2.1. Neuro-immune mechanisms of fatigue during viral infection
@ @Kiyoshi Matsumura
@ @@(Dept. of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)

@ 1.2.2. A novel regulator of carnitine transporter: its structure and function
@ FigureEEE19.1KB
@ @Soichi Miwa (Department of Cell Pharmacology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine)

@ 1.2.3. Carnitine-deficient JVS (juvenile visceral steatosis) mice as a fatigue model
@ FigureEEE16.8KB
@ @Takeyori Saheki (Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Kagoshima University)
@ @ 1.3. Activity monitoring by ecological neurobehavioral logger (ECOLOG) and analysis of circadian period and fluctuation
@ @ @ @Teruhisa Miike (Department of Child Development, Kumamoto University School of Medicinej
@ ‚QDMolecular/neural mechenisms od fatigue and fatigue sensation
@ 2.1.1 Objective evaluation of fatigue in macaque monkeys
@ @Hirotaka Onoe i j
2.1.2. Association between Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
@ @Nobuo Okado (Institute of Basic medical Sciences, University of Tsukuba)

@ 2.1.3. Laughter as a reliever of stress and fatigue: its neural mechanism and psychoimmunological effect
@ FigureEEE256KB
@ @Akira Shimizu (Faculty of Social Welfare, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences)

@ 2.1.4. Development of animal moders
@ @Yausyoshi Watanabe, Masaaki Tanaka
@ @@(Department of Physiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, and Osaka Bioscience Institute)
@ 2.2.1. Brain IFN-a and serotonin system in immunologically induced fatigue
@ @Toshihiko Katafuchi (Department of Integrative Physiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences)
@ 2.2.3. Anti-oxidant activity of acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) and effect of green leaf odor on stress
@ @Kazuo Sasaki (Div. of Bio-information Eng., Fac. of Eng., Toyama University)

@ 2.2.4. UV-irradiation down-regulates immune functions and causes fatigue by photo-optico-neuronal network: Lesson from iNOS-knockout mice
@ @M. Inoue, E.F. Sato, E. Kasahara (Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Pathology)
@ ‚RDDeselopment of the welhods for control and treatwerot of fatigue state
@ 3.1.1. The tools for evaluating the degree of fatigue state
@ @Hirohiko Kuratsune
@ @@(Department of Health Science, Faculty of Health Science for Welfare, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences)

@ @ 3.2.1. Research on treatments for the fatigue state
@ @Hirohiko Kuratsune
@ @ @@(Department of Health Science, Faculty of Health Science for Welfare, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences)
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