About Japanese Society for Skull Base Surgery

Twenty three years ago, on July 24th 1989, the 1st Meeting of the Japanese Society for Skull Base Surgery was held with President Shigeo Toya in Tokyo. The North American Society for Skull Base Surgery was established in the following year, and then the Asian Oceanian Society for Skull Base Surgery was established with President Kintomo Takakura concurrently with the 3rd Meeting of the Japanese Society for Skull Base Surgery at Meiji Kinenkan in 1991.
Since then, there has been significant progress in Skull Base: the World Society for Skull Base Surgery was established in Hannover in 1992 and the European Society for Skull Base Surgery was established in 1993. The Japanese Society for Skull Base Surgery has led the world for the past over 20 years. Dr. Akira Hakuba, president for the 2nd meeting, who was a pioneer of the transpetrosal approach and Dr. Kenichiro Sugita, who had always developed innovative operative procedures, will be sorely missed; however, everyone knows how this meeting has contributed to the development of new operative procedures and improved surgical results by mobilizing the capabilities of the four departments of head and neck surgery.

The World Federation of Skull Base Societies is being organized under the aegis of the Japan Neurosurgical Society and Japanese Society for Skull Base Surgery. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the 28th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Skull Base Surgery and 10th International Congress of International Meningioma Society and Cerebral Venous System will be held together.

“Collaboration and Creation for the Future” reflects the central themes of the meeting which will embody vignettes from skull base pioneers, round table discussions, keynote lectures on controversial topics, disease specific expert panels, focus groups on advances in surgical techniques and diagnostic developments, instructional courses by the world’s experts and glimpses into the future.

We look forward to welcome you to Osaka in 2016.

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